
  1. component

    Your component to be registered. This can be a React component or a function.

  2. options

    Options for site version and locale.


Registering a box

This example shows how to register a Box component. 'box' is the value for type, which must be unique, as Makeswift uses this value to identify the component. This value shouldn’t change once you use the component in the Makeswift builder. 'Box' is the label, which appears in the Makeswift builder. The example applies a Style control to the className prop.

import { Style } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls"

import { runtime } from './runtime'

function Box({ className }) {
  return <div className={className}>I'm a box!</div>

runtime.registerComponent(Box, {
  type: "box",
  label: "Box",
  props: {
    className: Style({ properties: Style.All }),

Creating sections

This example shows how to register a Cube and a Sphere component under a “Visuals” section. In each components’ label, use slashes to separate the section name and component name. In the Makeswift builder, both components appear under the same Visuals collapsible section:

Screenshot of registered component sections
import { Style } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls"

function Cube({ className }) {
  return <div className={className}>Cube!</div>

function Sphere({ className }) {
  return <div className={className}>Sphere!</div>

runtime.registerComponent(Cube, {
  type: "cube",
  label: "Visuals/Cube",
  props: {
    className: Style({ properties: Style.All }),

runtime.registerComponent(Sphere, {
  type: "sphere",
  label: "Visuals/Sphere",
  props: {
    className: Style({ properties: Style.All }),

Adding custom icons

This example shows how to register an ImageGallery component with a custom icon. We import ComponentIcon from @makeswift/runtime and pass ComponentIcon.Gallery as the icon for our component. In the builder component tray, we can see our component with the selected icon.

Screenshot of registered component icons
import { Style } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls"
import { ComponentIcon } from "@makeswift/runtime"

import { runtime } from './runtime'

function ImageGallery({ className }) {
  return <div className={className}>I'm an image gallery!</div>

runtime.registerComponent(Cube, {
  type: "image-galley",
  label: "ImageGallery",
  icon: ComponentIcon.Gallery,
  props: {
    className: Style({ properties: Style.All }),

Organizing registration code

As you register more components in makeswift/components.tsx, you may notice this file growing rather large. To keep your codebase organized, we recommend breaking out your Makeswift registration code into separate files and co-locating it with your component file.

For example, if you have a Box component, you can create a Box.makeswift.ts file next to your Box.tsx file. This file will contain the registration code for the Box component.

Makeswift does not rely on this naming convention. Feel free to use whatever naming convention you prefer.

Then update your makeswift/components.tsx file to import all of the component registrations, like so:

import "@/components/Box/Box.makeswift"
import "@/components/Cube/Cube.makeswift"
import "@/components/Sphere/Sphere.makeswift"
 * Add all of your component registrations here

The file makeswift/components.ts should be imported wherever you use <ReactRuntimeProvider> in your app.