Catalyst is the composable, fully customizable headless ecommerce storefront framework for BigCommerce. Catalyst has been built with Next.js, React storefront components, and BigCommerce’s GraphQL Storefront API.

When you use Catalyst, you can create a fully functional BigCommerce storefront using their CLI and get to work without wiring up APIs or building ecommerce components from scratch that are optimized for SEO, accessibility, and performance. Catalyst is designed to take care of the essentials so you can focus your efforts on building your brand and adding those special features that take storefronts to the next level.

You can find a demo version of Catalyst at, hosted on Vercel in a US region.

While Makeswift is a part of BigCommerce, Catalyst and Makeswift are completely decoupled solutions. This is to say that Catalyst and Makeswift can be used in conjunction, or independent of one another. While they are separate solutions, both are built to be heavily integrated with one another. This guide serves as a supplement to the documentation available on Catalyst’s Getting Started documentation.


1. Node.js version 20.x

Catalyst currently supports Node.js version 20.x (click here to download Node.js)

2. Corepack-enabled pnpm

Node.js version 20.x ships with Corepack by default; you should be able to run corepack enable from your terminal to meet this prerequisite (more information on the official Node.js Corepack documentation)

3. Git version 2.35.x or later:

Click here to download Git

4. A BigCommerce store or sandbox

You can create a trial store or spin up a developer sandbox to meet this prerequisite. If you already have a BigCommerce store, that will work fine too.

5. A Makeswift workspace.

If you have not created a Makeswift workspace, do so ahead of time here.

6. Permission to create API accounts on your store

In order to allow Catalyst to authenticate with your BigCommerce store, you’ll need to make sure that your user account on the subject store has been granted the Create store-level API Accounts permission detailed in our documentation on High-Risk Permissions. If you are the assigned store owner of the store, you have these permissions implicitly.

7. A GitHub account

You can sign up for a free GitHub account on the official GitHub signup page.



Follow the instructions on Catalyst's Doc Site

Run the Catalyst CLI to pull down the latest version of the Catalyst main branch of the Catalyst monorepo. The CLI is built to do the following:

  1. Fork and clone the Catalyst monorepo.
  2. Add a remote pointing to the upstream Catalyst repository.
  3. Enable Corepack so that you can use pnpm as your package manager.
  4. Install Catalyst Dependencies.
  5. Set up environment variables.

This command will prompt you to name your project, as well as connect it to a BigCommerce store.

npm create @bigcommerce/catalyst@latest

Once you run the CLI, you effectively have a Catalyst Next.js application created. The remaining steps will walk you through integrating your Catalyst application with Makeswift.


Fetch the Makeswift integration branch

The Makeswift Catalyst integration is a branch available in the upstream GitHub repository that can be checked out locally.

git fetch upstream integrations/makeswift
git checkout -b integrations/makeswift upstream/integrations/makeswift

Update environment variables

Update the root .env.local file with your Site API Key located under your Host settings in Makeswift.

In your Makeswift Host settings

Add the key to your .env.local file with the following key name:


In your codebase

Save your .env.local file.


Run your development server

Install dependencies to match the current branch

pnpm i

Start the development server

pnpm dev

Update host settings

Within the Makeswift Site Settings, update the host to the URL of your locally running project. By default, it should be http://localhost:3000.

In your site settings


Create a new page

Create a new page within Makeswift. We recommend starting with a Blank Page.

In the builder

You are now able to begin custom development on your Catalyst application and visually edit your pages in Makeswift.

We recommend familiarizing yourself with Makeswift by going through the Product Quickstart before you begin any development. There are some out-of-the-box components that leverage the best of Next.js that can help drive some decisions around what custom components you’ll want to create.

When you do identify custom components you’ll need to create, checkout out our our App Router or Pages Router developer documents to learn how to register your components with Makeswift.