If using a custom host, redirects will need to be configured directly in your codebase.

Creating a redirect

To create a redirect, go to the “Redirects” tab in your settings and click “Add redirect”. Use the pathname for the URL you want to redirect from. You do not need to include your domain. Make sure the pathname begins with a “/”.

You can forward the path to a page on your site or to any URL.

create a redirect

Permanent and temporary redirects

Permanent redirects are commonly used for old URLs, but you may need to temporarily forward a URL. For example, you might have a URL live for the holidays but redirect it to another URL for the rest of the year. Uncheck the box labeled “This is a permanent redirect” to signal to search engines that the redirect is temporary.

Dynamic forwarding

You can use variables to dynamically forward multiple URLs with a single redirect rule. Here are some examples:

/blog/:name -> https://medium.com/:name
/shop/:item -> https://shopify.com/:item
/:post -> /new-post/:post

The variable (e.g., :name, :post, etc.) can be anything, as long as it’s the same in the “From” and “To” fields.