

Text for the panel label in the Makeswift Visual Builder.

Group.Layout.Inline | Group.Layout.Popover

The preferred layout for the group in the Makeswift Visual Builder. Note that the builder may override this preference to optimize the user experience. Possible values include:

  • Group.Layout.Inline: Renders the group properties within the parent panel, visually grouping them to reflect the hierarchy. This is the default if no explicit value is provided.
  • Group.Layout.Popover: Renders the group properties in a standalone popover panel.
Record<string, Control>

An object mapping of prop names to Makeswift controls representing the properties being grouped. This can include any of the Makeswift controls, including other groups.

Prop type

The Group control passes an object based on the controls defined in the props field. The keys of the object match the keys in the props field, and the values are based on the corresponding control’s prop type.


This example adds a Group control to represent the properties of a banner within a Header component.

import { Group, Color, TextInput, Style } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls";

import { runtime } from "@/makeswift/runtime";

import { Header } from "./Header";

runtime.registerComponent(Header, {
  type: "header",
  label: "Header",
  props: {
    className: Style(),
    banner: Group({
      label: "Banner properties",
      preferredLayout: Group.Layout.Popover,
      props: {
        text: TextInput({ defaultValue: "Banner text" }),
        background: Color({ label: "Background", defaultValue: "black" }),
    heading: TextInput({ label: "Heading", defaultValue: "Heading text" }),

.makeswift.ts is a naming convention for organizing Makeswift registration code. Learn more.