When you place other elements in a box you can determine how the elements will be aligned with respect to one another using the “Align items” panel. By default, all content will align at the top of a box. Content can also be aligned in the middle or anchored to the bottom. A fourth option of “space between” lets you space the box’s content apart at equal distances.

Alignment property

Horizontal alignment exists in Makeswift within the margin panel.


By default items will align to the top of a box. Typically you will use this if all of your contents have a similar height, or if you want specific content like your images to be in line across all of your elements in a row.

Top alignment


Middle is a great way to center your elements with respect to one another, even if they differ in height.

Middle alignment


Bottom is similar to top and is used in situations where you may want specific content like a button to be in line across all of your elements in a row.

Bottom alignment

Space between

Space between will set a box’s content to be completely spread out at equal distances between them. If you want images to be in line at the top but a button to be in line at the bottom, this is a good alignment to use.

Space between alignment

Space between only takes effect if the box height is set to stretch and there is extra space created within the box.


For a hero section it is typical to use middle alignment.

Center aligning a hero

In order to properly align elements at the bottom of components, like pricing cards, you’ll want to use space between.

Space between for cards