Multiple backgrounds can be layered and sorted within a single box, including the following:

  • Colors
  • Images
  • Gradients
  • Videos
Background propery


Colors can be set as a background fill. You can also layer translucent colors on top of backgroundimages to add overlays.

Background colors


By default, background images will fill the entire box. You can also tile background patterns and choose where to anchor a background image. Parallax can also easily be added to background images using the parallax slider.

Background images


Multiple colors can be selected to create fades and other effects. Click on each color stop handle to select a color. Click anywhere on the gradient slider to add more color stops.

You can also change the direction of a linear gradient, or change it to a radial gradient.

Background Gradients


Use videos hosted on the following streaming platforms as backgrounds:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Wistia
  • Facebook
  • Dailymotion
  • Twitch

Add a video by copying and pasting the link from your browser’s URL bar from any of the above mentioned platforms. Background videos are set to autoplay, and are looped and muted by default.

Background Videos